Because when we learn how to listen to ourselves, miracles happen
About Belinda…
Belinda is the name my parents gave me and means Be-Beautiful
Matwali is the name my spiritual father gave me and means “Inebriated with the Divine”
I use both names together and for me it is a symbol of human + being.
I bring the Belinda and Matwali in me together and fuse them - accepting them both completely. To ground my spirituality in this material plane.
I have a long standing love affair with techno music and meditation.
For years friends watched in slight amusement that I felt equally at home in a nightclub vs an ashram.
Like my name these two have been fused and now I work with electronic music in meditations.
For too long meditations have been relegated to sleepy relaxing sessions, or to purely mindfulness as you move about your day…
Meditation actually requires energy, so there can be an alchemy, a growing in your Conscious Awareness so you don’t fall asleep in meditation.
Mindfulness as you move is good, but you are still not aware of your real centre, and that, requires to learn to sit in meditation.
It’s an inner and outer work. That’s why my Masters in India teach Buddah’s 8 fold path along side meditation. They go together. You can meditate and be a mess in life. It’s an art to learn how to move, communicate and do things with love and awareness.
I am the first to admit I have not conquered these things, but I have made a start in the last 7 years and know that these teachings that lie in thousands of years of wisdom work. My purpose here is to honour these teachings through my offerings and let you know some of the secrets that have helped change my life.
I’m also a qualified Nutritional Therapist, so combine nutrition, life coaching, meditation and sound therapy in my sessions.
My dream is to help you see meditation as something that is juicy and addictive and the greatest investment you could possibly make in yourself. To me there is nothing higher than discovering who you are and the meaning of life.
I currently live in London with my partner who is a music producer, DJ and psychotherapist. I’m from Australia and love the ocean and even studied marine biology after I left school. I have travelled the world extensively and spent time living in Bali, Brazil, Ibiza and regularly visit India.
Belinda has trained extensively in meditation and consciousness awareness practices for the last 7 years. She undertook “gurkula” style training living with her spiritual mentor in Bali for 3 years. She has 2 teacher trainings with enlightened Masters Sad Guru Trivir from Oshodhara in India. She has undertaken sacred sound courses with Anne Malone, Jonathan Goldman, Jill Purse and Otto Haddad. She is also qualified as a Nutritional Therapist and has an avid interest in electronic music and all things sound as a vehicle for training consciousness awareness and self realisation.
Bachelor of Science (University of Queensland)
Foundation Degree Nutritional Therapy (University of Bedfordshire)
Oshodhara Ashram
Dhyan Samadhi (Meditative Living)
Surati Samahdi (Divine Sound Meditation)
Nirati Samadhi (Divine Light Meditation)
Amrit Samadhi (Divine Elixir Meditation)
Ajapa Samadhi (Divine Breathing Meditation)
Urja Samadhi (Divine Energy Meditation)
Divya Samadhi (Divine Wellness Meditation)
Chaitanya Samadhi (Divine Consciousness Meditation)
Gyan Samadhi (Divine Consciousness Realisation)
Anand Samadhi (Divine Bliss Meditation)
Prem Samdahi (Divine Love Meditation)
Adwait Samadhi (Universal Oneness Meditation)
Kaivalya Samadhi (Universal Wholeness Meditation)
Nirvaan Samadhi (Universal Bliss Meditation)
Sahaj Sumiran (Cosmic Matrix Meditation)
Shabda Sumiran (Cosmic Word Meditation)
Chaitanya Sumiran (Cosmic Consciousness Meditation)
Acharya Teacher Training 1 - Meditative Living
Acharya Teacher Training 2 - Divine Sound Initiation
Reiki 1
Art of Sacred Sound Training - Anne Malone
Diploma in Sound Therapy - Otto Sound Therapy
Embodied Yin and Yoga Nidra Training